Frequently Asked Questions
What advantages do your services offer?
What platform/technologies do you support?
Do you support other operating systems?
Do you support other databases, such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL?
Do we have unlimited copy right to the code?
After an application is built, can we support the system ourselves?
Q: What advantages do your services offer?
A: Fast implementation. Initial delivery probably in 2-12 weeks depending on the type of service, or shorter for each iteration after the initial delivery when requirements are clear.

With the low yearly subscription prices, our services can potentially save you large amounts of funding.

Our service subscription model lets you enjoy peace of mind, knowing that we are there to help for a long period of time. So if you forget something, you can always ask us to add, change, or remove it.

Q: What platform/technologies do you support?
A: Microsoft Windows, SQL Server, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, C#.Net, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, JScript, and other related technologies.

Q: Do you support other operating systems?
A: No, currently we only support Microsoft Windows.

Q: Do you support other databases, such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL?
A: We only generate Microsoft SQL Server databases. However, your could import the SQL databases into Oracle, DB2, MySQL, etc., using the tools in these DBMS.

If you use our data warehouse services, and if you have data in Oracle, DB2, and/or MySQL, we can use Microsoft OLE DB provider for these databases and extract data from them.

Q: Do we have unlimited copyright to the code?
A: No. XQ Knowledge Management Pty Ltd uses Microsoft patented technologies. Some code comes from the software we have licensed from Microsoft, and thus Microsoft owns the patent for the underlying technologis. When we recombine the code to create a solution, XQ Knowledge Management Pty Ltd owns the copyright. We often provide our innovative designs that have proved useful, easy to understand, easy to implement, easy to maintain, and easy to re-use.

We grant you the right of unlimited use of implementation code and designs within the application that you have commissioned us to build. We also grant you the right of unlimited modifications to the code or designs within the application. However, you cannot use the code or designs in other applications, and you cannot re-sell any code or designs provided to you by XQ Knowledge Management Pty Ltd.

Q: After an application is built, can we support the system(s) ourselves?
A: Yes. The application we supply is open source. We endeavour to make the system as simple, and as easy, to maintain as possible. That is how we could supply our services at rates as low as we offer.

However, your support/maintenance staff still need to have a level of competence and a number of years experience in Microsoft technologies, in our design principles and our coding practices.

If you decide to maintain the system yourself, it is a good idea to plan early, so that your main technical contact can have our support for at least six months.

Many factors can affect the delivery. If your data are from SQL Server, Access, or text files, and if they are reasonably clean, we could generally deliver the structure of your data warehouse within 4 weeks. You may need extra time for data extraction, transformation and loading. On the other hand, if you have data from Oracle, DB2, MySQL or other types of databases, and if you need us to work out how to extract data from them, it will definitely take longer. If your data is not clean, and requires complex processing, it will take longer, too.

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